Chemin des mouettes
67630 Lauterbourg
67630 Lauterbourg
Is perfect for the group overnight accommodations.
Marketing method
- From the owner
Distance (km) à la gare la plus proche
Distance (km) à la gare la plus proche : 0,5 |
Style of accommodation
Languages spoken
Possibility of Internet connection
Free wi-fi
Catering on spot
- Drinks
- Restaurant
Leisure facilities for children
- Playground
- Swing
- Climbing wall
Accommodation capacity (according to classificat.)
number of people : 40 |
number of people with extra bed / at the most : 40 |
Bathroom facilities
- Sanitary station: no. of showers 19
- Sanitary station: no. of WCs 22
Leisure facilities on site
- Lake/water sport centre
Visitors' tax